INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE leaves unmentioned columns unchanged on UPDATE but gives them default values on INSERT. With REPLACE INTO, ... ... <看更多>
INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE leaves unmentioned columns unchanged on UPDATE but gives them default values on INSERT. With REPLACE INTO, ... ... <看更多>
sql: insert on duplicate key update (update only specific columns if a unique key already exists; insert new rows if unique key does not exist) ... ... <看更多>
Like all functions you need to make a further select with the data. And please next time provide a minimal reproducible example, ... ... <看更多>
When you insert a new row into a table if the row causes a duplicate in UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY ... ... <看更多>
如果您指定了ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE,并且插入行后会导致在一个UNIQUE ... mysql>INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3) ->ON DUPLICATE KEY ... ... <看更多>